The purpose of this experiment is to examine the reproduction of yeast cells and how cellular communication plays into it.
Cellular communication occurs via chemical signals that coordinate functions and respond to stimuli. Chemical signals can come from the environment, other cells in the same organism, or other organisms. Cells can communicate by direct contact, local signaling, or long distance signaling. Yeasts are unicellular fungi that can reproduce sexually or asexually. They alternate between haploid and diploid phases. During asexual reproduction, single haploid cells turn into budding haploid cells, which creates a new daughter cell. During sexual reproduction, in response to a specific chemical signal, haploids can change from an asexually reproducing cell to a gamete. There are two sexes: a-type and alpha-type. When these types mix, they grow towards each other, forming shmoos. The shmoos then fuse to create a zygote, which divides to form new yeast cells.
After placing the yeast solution (alpha type, a type and mixed) into seperate test tubes we measured using the light microscope; to find the starting amount of yeast cells. Then took measurements at different increments of time (30 minutes, 24 hours and 48 hours) to see what percent increase the yeast colony experienced periodically.
Mixed at 30 minutes
Mixed at 48 hours
Data for A and alpha yeast
Data for mixed yeast
In this lab we tested the reproduction patterns of alpha type and a type cells. We also tested a solution of mixed alpha and a type yeast. What we saw was this:
Alpha type yeast: Over time, the percentage of single haploid cells decreased. At 0 minutes 77% of the cells were single haploid cells. At 30 minutes, 76%, and at 24 hours, about 22%. This can be attributed to the fact that there would be more formation of budding haploid cells due to the progression of time, so single haploid cell percentage would decrease. But, we saw an increase after 48 hours, where the percentage hit 85%. There was such a large increase I yeast concentration that the percentage of single haploid cells must have gone up. After a certain amount of time, there must be a pattern where single haploid cells will produce budding haploid cells, and this is what happened here. For the budding haploid cells, we saw a rapid increase. Starting at about 23%, it increased to 24% and 77% during 30 minutes and 24 hours respectively. But, we also saw a decrease in percentage at the 48 hour mark (14%).
A type yeast: We experienced much of the same trends for the a type yeast. Over time, single haploid cells decreased at first them increased rapidly. It started at 89%, at 30 minutes it was at 40%, and at 24 hours it was a 15%. But, at the 48 hour mark, it increased rapidly (85%). For budding haploid cells, it started at 10%, increased to 60%, increased again to 84%, then decreased to 14%. The data we had was very similar for both a and alpha type yeast, leading us to believe that they reproduce in much of the same way.
Mixed yeast: This sample was a combination of the a type and aha type yeast cells. For the single haploid cells, we saw a steady decrease. It started at a little less than 50% of the total cell count, and ended at about 29%. This is because single haploid cells will become budding cells and eventually form asci over time, so the cell count will continually decrease. For budding haploid cells, we observed an overall decrease as well, starting with about 17%, it gradually decreased to 7.4%. This too, can be attributed to the fact that cells will start to form asci over time, therefore decreasing the number of free floating cells. For the shmoos, we saw a maximum percentage of 21.8% at 30 minutes. It then decreased to close its original percentage at 24 hours, but then increased to 17.7% at 48 hours. For the single zygotes, we saw 7.6% at the 0 minutes. Then we saw 5.9%, 19.5%, and 11%. For budding zygotes, the data varied by increasing, describing, and increasing once more. The most important sample from this experiment was the percentage of asci. It started at a relatively low percentage of 6.4%. It ended up being at 27.4%. This is important because as time goes by, yeast are able to communicate as a whole. When time passes, more yeast communicate with each other, so they are able to come in close proximity to eachother, and form asci.
Basically, for a and alpha type, when time progresses, we see the overall number of yeast cells increase. We can see that yeast has the ability to reproduce because of the increase in budding haploid cells, and therefore an increase in overall cell count (yeast cell count must increase because it is reproducing). For the mixed type, we see an increase in the percentage of asci, which means that there was an an increase in cell communication due to the lapse of time. Overall, the cells that denote the reproduction of yeast increase over time. We know that yeast can't physically move because, at zero minutes, it would all conglomerate together. Rather, it communicates by means of chemical signals.
From this lab we can conclude that over time the yeast concentration increases. It is able to do so because it communicates bby means of chemical signals called pheromones. When time passes the concentration of yeast increases showing thaat it is able reproduce through chemicall signals.